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ComSolutions Inc appreciates everyone’s patience as our Southeastern regional team works through the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Ida. With our regional office located in Covington, LA, many of our employees have spent the past few days cut off or displaced while they get thier families to safety, and into a position were they can resume providing services. We want our clients in the region to know that we are doing everything we can to reposition our technicians and provide outside support to get everyone back up to functional as soon as possible.

We have been working with many of our clients over the past few days to restore services where power is available. If your business is providing services related to the recovery effort, please let us know so that we can prioritize those needs first.

Please feel free to contact us via email or visit the support page to input a support request directly into our system.

Don’t Panic, Stay Safe, and Let Cooler Heads Prevail

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